Judy Klitsner is a senior educator at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, where she has taught and trained a generation of students, many of whom now serve as teachers and heads of schools throughout the US, Israel and Europe. Judy lectures internationally at synagogues, campuses, rabbinical training programs and adult education programs that span the denominational spectrum, and she is a regular visiting lecturer at the London School of Jewish Studies. In addition to her numerous publications on biblical topics, she is the author of the book Subversive Sequels in the Bible: How Biblical Stories Mine and Undermine Each Other (Jewish Publication Society, paperback by Koren Publishers), which received a National Jewish book award and which has recently been translated into Hebrew. For decades, Judy has advocated on behalf of victims of abuse and has published numerous articles promoting a preventative, rather than reactive, approach to the problem. She was among the founders of the Takannah Forum, a respected anti-abuse organization in Israel. Judy raises awareness about the topic with frequent lectures at venues throughout the world.