Rosh Hashanah 2019
Dear Friends,
It has been a year of intensive planning at Sacred Spaces. We are putting the finishing touches on our strategic and business plans, gearing up for the launch of three ambitious programs – Aleinu, Safeguarding Our Children, and our Chicago and DC Sacred Synagogues, Sacred Spaces cohorts – and preparing to announce two exciting opportunities for professionals in the field to join our team. So keep your eyes on your inboxes in the weeks ahead, as we share these details, and other exciting developments.
In the meantime, we write now to wish you a shana tova, a good year, and to catch you up on our late Spring/Summer activities and news. Each of the images in our High Holidays graphic below is interactive – CLICK ON THE INDIVIDUAL ICONS AND FOLLOW THE LINKS FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION.
As we look at the work ahead of us in 5780, we know that there is much to be done. We feel blessed to do this sacred work, together with you, our Sacred Spaces community. May it be a year of growth, a year of peace, and a year of blessing.

Shira Berkovits, Esq., Ph.D. President and CEO, Sacred Spaces